Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Dear Deer

Dear tomato-thieving deer,

Did you think I wouldn't notice that you ate every stinking tomato on my one tomato plant?  Did you think that I don't check it several times a day?  Did you think I couldn't already taste the tomato sandwich made with a fresh tomato sliced warm right from my square foot garden?   Did you not think about all the other gardens in town with multiple tomato plants?  Did you think about eating their tomatoes and leaving mine alone?  Did you think that the deer repellent that makes the whole yard smell like, like...deer repellent!! was meant as an invitation to eat my tomatoes?  Every stinking stinking one of them?????
Oh, deer.  What were you thinking?

Ms. Brenda

P.S. I hate you.


Amanda said...

i dont know why, but there is something extremely hilarious about "ps i hate you"

Shanea T. said...

Love this post, someone recently told me that if you place Irish spring soap in stockings and hang them around the plants the deer will not eat the plants. I guess, it might be something to try?? Best of luck.