Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kindly remember: I Do Not Collect Flamingos

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
--Aesop (Fabulist)

Still trying to keep up with acts of kindness.  The Goob has decided that it is okay to do more than one kind act a day, but you can not bank them. As in, yesterday's second kindness can not count as today's kindness.  Being kind is a little more challenging than I first anticipated.  So today I set out to do a small thing:  Hold my tongue.  And trust me, it is keeping me busy.  But I offer you two more small kindnesses.

1.  I offer you the definition of

fabulist  (ˈfæbjʊlɪst) 

— n
1.a person who invents or recounts fables
2.a person who lies or falsifies

Use this in a sentence?  She is such a fabulist.  Say it with a smile and it may be a kind way to call someone a liar.  I mean, she is a fabulist on the order of Aesop!
(Sadly, I can not offer you the pronunciation. ˈfæbjʊlɪst ??)

2.  I share another peek at the decking of my halls.

 Remember that I do NOT collect flamingos.  But I have to admit...

one or two flamingos in a palm tree are a welcome sight on a snowy day.
And since we're decorating our house plants--how about some flower bulbs?
(Can you believe someone was throwing these away?)

So the question of the day remains:  Can we believe anything attributed to Aesop?

1 comment:

Minnie said...

I was so so close to buying you another flamingo ornament but I know you don't collect them. Two may be just a coincidence but three could be considered a collection. Although, the palm tree may have a few empty fronds just waiting for a flamingo... Be very careful when you open the package I'm sending your way...