Friday, January 18, 2013


You haven't heard much about our bathroom/bedroom redo, because I have been trying to control my tongue (which as James says is a restless evil, full of deadly poison).  Plus, because it is the slowest redo in the world, there is not much to report.  And because we just might qualify for an episode of Do it Yourself Disasters, we can't reveal much before the episode airs.

The STP, ever the optimist, really believed we could do this ourselves.  And he has held to that belief for six months.  I believe the optimism gene may be closely linked to the procrastination gene.

 I am married to man who endeavors to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  Clearly, though, he is more theologian than carpenter.

Still, I have learned new things.  Like how to replace an electrical socket.   I was wearing a head lamp (which is as flattering to me as a hat, thus I had to edit it out of the picture). I used a pliers and a screwdriver.  

I also cheered the STP on while we mitered things.  With our miter saw.
This is our last corner. 
 We were pretty much pros at this point.
Now I'm thinking that we don't have enough material for an episode of DIY Disasters. 
I believe we have the makings of an entire season.

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