Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Glory Rays

We took the Goob school shopping last week.  And next to the chocolate wonderfall and cotton candy at Golden Corrral (Oh, and the Goob trying on skinny jeans) this was the most amazing view of the day.

Me:  What is that movie where the people are on the roof with signs welcoming aliens?
STP:  Independence Day.
[Long pause]
STP:  Why do you ask?
Me:  Because I was wondering when Jesus comes back if I would be hiding somewhere with fear and trembling or if I would be jumping up and down on a rooftop.  And I was wondering what my sign would say.

Sunday morning, because of all the smoke from wildfires to the west, the sunrise looked like this.  And I was alone in the car so I had a little conversation with God Himself.  And He reminded me that even when the whole sky is smoky because half the world is on fire and there are no glory rays that He is just as close.  Just as likely to break through and take me home.

I think my sign will say, "Here am I".


Amanda said...

i love this. i love you. all of you.

ps did the Goob buy the skinny jeans?

Anastasia said...

Please tell me your next post includes pictures of the Goob in skinny jeans....do they even MAKE jeans that skinny?

Miss Brenda said...

While his mom thought the Goob rocked the skinny jeans, the Goob knows enough not to trust his mom's fashion sense. Equally, while I knew his sisters would want pictures, he knew they would end up on the internet, so he forbade pictures. Smart boy.

MEL said...

Crepuscular rays are usually matutinal or vespertine.