Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Touring the Grounds with the Flamingos

Been thinking a lot about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden.  And how God walked with Adam in the garden each evening.  And wondering what it is like touring the grounds with God Himself.  Tonight we would start in the flamingo garden out front.  You usually see it like this. But it is finally  looking a little like the cottage garden I picture in my mind.  
This bed has hollyhocks, coneflowers, crysanthemums, violas, apple blossom yarrow, petunias, portulaca, stella d'oro daylilies, a clematis and a few morning glories.  I think God Himself might linger here and bask in the joy in this little plot of land with me.
Also in the front of the house, it is of note that the plants in the little blue pots are still alive in the middle of August. 
Ok, its not the Garden of Eden, but really pretty close to a Dodge City miracle.


Unknown said...

haha loved reading this thanks!

MEL said...

Coneflowers are members of the genus Echinacea of the family Asteraceae, generally accepted as the second largest family in the plant kingdom, trailing only orchids.