Sunday, June 17, 2007

Four Eminent Words I Don't Understand

Here are four words for my list. I will never be able to use these in any written form because I can not remember which means what and I have a hard time deciphering them even when they are in front of me. I will, however, use them often in the spoken form because they all sound relatively the same and have such divergent meanings that they will fit a lot of situations and if I use them fast enough, no one will notice. Their immanent value makes their emanantness imminent.

imminent--likely to occur at any moment

immanent--inherent, remaining within

emanant--issuing from or as if from a source

eminent--high in station, rank, or repute; renowned

I had an ulcer once.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Panories Have Landed

Panory Fest 07 was a success.

The Bighead pinata was a hit (pun intended).

There were panory cupcakes aplenty.

A new camo panory was unveiled.

The only regret was that Gage was not here to celebrate.

Thanks to Dave and Abi for making this possible.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

PanoryFest 07

The semi-first annual PanoryFest will be held here on Monday. It coincides with the first day of summer vacation. We are getting better at planning the panoryfest activities. This year we actually invited people with an interest in panories, and had them RSVP. We are also making the best Bighead pinata ever.
Alex's gifted teacher remarked at open house this year that these children will look back and be incredulous that they spent so many hours drawing 'these things'. I think, instead, that she will look back and be incredulous that she missed the magic of panories--their ability to spark the imagination of upper elementary age boys, the tremendous creativity involved in their creation, their power to unite a disparate band of 5th graders with little else in common except their need to belong somewhere and a nagging sense that they never will.
Long live the Panories!