Monday, July 31, 2006

A Day in the Life of a Super Heroine

Miss Brenda woke slowly and made a quick decision to stay in bed until 10am. Her Super Hero brought her hot chocolate in bed and she read her book. Unexpectedly and unceremoniously, she was jolted out of her lazy decadence by a phone call from Church Lady, her arch nemesis. She and her side kick, church stuff, threatened to disturb Miss Brenda until lunch time, but Miss Brenda fought back and eventually hung up. She started a load of laundry and then she tackled the evil Paper Work. At the end of the day after two trips to the post office and to two banks, Miss Brenda and her side kick Penny Shaker retired to the living room with her book. Stay tuned till tomorrow and hear Miss Brenda say, "Where is my penny shaker?" **fade** Theme Song

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

yeah, you got the hang of this blog thing :)
i think it will never cloy.