Sunday, June 15, 2014

Wishing for Watermelon

This man has often referred to me as "Daughter Number One".
In my fantasy world, it was because I was his favorite.  But in reality, it had more to do with my birth order than my favor status.  (It may also have been that after he had three more daughters he couldn't remember my name.)
I learned from him that a joke really doesn't need a punch line.  People are more important than things.  Nobody dies from wearing clothes that are out of style.  What it's like to be loved unconditionally.  Grandkids are better than kids.
He never taught me to hunt, fish, throw a ball or the difference between a motor and an engine.  
He did teach me its okay to think outside the box, to start strong and finish strong, how to pitch a tent, and that the teacher is always right.  
He tried to teach me to think fast.  Usually by throwing something in the general direction of my head.
He taught me that there is a time to be serious, but this probably isn't it.  And that watermelon is a good thing even if you don't have any right now.
And you should savor the moments when you do.

So glad to have a number one dad.


MEL said...

Amen, sister.

RicksterVC said...

Using the next blog button, I went from my blog to yours. Very sweet comments about your father-I hope my daughters someday look at me the same way.