Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In Spite of Me or I'd Like to Thank the Academy

The Goob was inducted into the National Honor Society.  Before the induction ceremony they asked audience members who had been members of the society to stand.  The Goob's parents remained conspicuously seated.  Some things you don't want your kids to know about you.

What we could have said:
Me to the Goob:  Sorry you had to find this out in such a public setting.
Principal to the Goob: It is truly remarkable that you have achieved so much despite your disadvantage.
Goob to the principal:  To what disadvantage are you referring, Mr Flock?
Principal to the Goob:  Your human mother.

One quarter of the way through the school year.  The only emotion I wish to convey is gratitude.


Amanda said...

it is clearly a little too early in the morning for me and my brain to be functioning, as it took me WAY longer than it should have to get that reference.
love you all!!!
and just for the record, his human sister was never in NHS either.

Minnie said...

Congrats to Alex! (and no one in my family was in NHS)

Minnie said...

Congrats to Alex! (and no one in my family was in NHS)