Sunday, May 18, 2014

Graduation Day If I Lived on Facebook

Here are a few of the status updates passing through my head this morning:

Moms who are hosting graduation parties should not attend other graduation parties before their own. Suddenly my idea to use 'buckets, chalk, and twine' as a decorating scheme seems suspect.

I called the school one final time this week.  To request that they correctly pronounce our last name.  The secretary said she would leave a note that it was a long A.  So if my son receives his high school diploma as Ay-lex Have-ner that will be on me.

When class advisers recommend that graduates put their gowns in the bathroom while they shower, they should take into account how many times a boy will shower between the last day of school and graduation.  And if they will remember to take the gown out of the bag.

Yesterday the graduate in my house asked me what time graduation was.  I think there may be some important information about graduation I have not received.

This morning I colored the hair on my head, removed some hair from my face, shaped my nails, dressed myself and the pasta salad.  Why am I not this productive every morning?

Toying with idea of not even taking my camera to graduation.  My level of distraction is heightened and I always miss the shot anyway.

1 comment:

E. Lane said...

hahahahaha thanks for the laughs