Monday, August 11, 2014

Its Good to Have a Papi

We took the BGITW to the county fair parade in the little town that is the county seat.  The kind of little town where it is still acceptable to throw candy from floats and equally acceptable for small children to run into the street and gather it up by the handfuls.  The kind of parade that has tractors and firetrucks and political candidates in equal numbers.  And this one tractor pulled barrel train. Truthfully, I have wanted to ride in this since the first time I saw it.  But the main street of the county seat lined with crowds in the middle of the day is not where I was going to ride it.
Want to ride?  No, I say.
Do the kids want to ride?  I defer to their mother--the Queen of Queens.  No way, she says.

Lisa Kunkel Photography: Big Horn County Fair &emdash; Come on BGITW, says Papi.
I'll drop them off at the park, says the tractor driver.
Where's the park? says the Queen of Queens with just a touch of panic in her voice.
And that is how the 5 year old from New York City ended up in the Big Horn County Fair Parade.  Proudly riding down Main Street, Small Town, Wyoming.  Throwing candy to less fortunate children who could only watch from the sidewalk.


Amanda said...

what fun! and BTW you totally should have ridden along - i would have loved to see those pictures! (also is that Wendy riding towards the front of the train?)

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