Sunday, September 20, 2015

Corn Tortillas-Take One

This morning at 2:15am I was sitting at work waiting for someone to pee.  ('cause I didn't make an informed decision about my career choice when I was 17yo)  And I decided in the moment that I wanted to learn to make my own corn tortillas.  Fresh tortillas.  I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it. And I came home from church this afternoon on a mission.  Oddly, I already had masa harina, a plastic shopping bag, and a tortilla press in my cupboard.  (Unlike last Sunday when I had to borrow 4 eggs at 10:30pm to make cherry bars) Because the STP had a desire for fresh corn tortillas a long time ago.  (That's what make this marriage work.  We think alike--just years apart.)  Here is what I learned:  I need a bigger cast iron skillet or griddle.  My tortilla press does not work as well as the press in the youtube video.  You should have a plan for what you plan to put in your tortillas before you start cooking them.  All said and done, with the STP's enthusiastic help, we had quesadillas for lunch today made with fresh homemade corn tortillas.  And I am determined to get good at this. Putting "Master Corn Tortillas" on my bucket list.
I'm not on call tonight. Plan to sleep straight thru the night.  Unless I have to get up at 2:15 to pee.

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