Monday, January 11, 2016

Fit Bit Zip Fat Zap

I got the grownup equivalent of a tamagotchi for Christmas.  Remember the digital pet that attached to a keychain from the 1990's?  It has been reinvented as a fitness motivator.  Still little and egg shaped. Still simple graphics.  But now instead of trying to extend the digital pet's life, the digital pet is trying to extend my life.  It monitors my steps, calculates my calories burned and the distance I've traveled.  As a bonus it tells me the time.  And it makes faces at me.  The 'stick out my tongue face' is it's default.  It makes this face whenever it feels I am not active enough.  Who is it to judge?  It also makes a smiley face, and if I make it really happy by moving A LOT it makes a big grinning happy face.  It also makes various faces that I do not understand.  One where its eyes are like this:  ^^    I think it is asking me if I am asleep.  Also one with eyes like this:  xx     I think it thinks I am dead.    It also made itself into a lump with eyes.  Like a potato.  It has only done this once, because I am committed to keeping my fit bit zip happy.  And avoiding being called a couch potato by a digital pet. My iphone does not have an operating system capable of running the fitbit app, and I had a hard time loading it on my computer.  I trust the giver of the gift was motivated by love, but truthfully it managed to make me feel old, stupid, and fat all at once.  But I have made peace with the little critter.  I have signed up for a Cize class, a weight loss challenge at work, and I downloaded a training plan for a half marathon.  I will be 4 pounds lighter by my birthday next week.  Did I mention fiestaware would make a good gift? Just sayin.


Amanda said...

the face with the squinty eyes (^^) is most likely also a happy face- like when you smile so hard you have to close your eyes because your cheeks take up all of the room on your face. maybe you will get a new phone for your birthday which will make interacting with your little virtual pet much simpler and more fun. love you! thanks for making me smile this morning!

nancyann said...

Is that the Yellowstone half?