Sunday, January 17, 2016

Two Weeks In

I have found that having a plan is a good thing.  It gives me a place to start.  There is no crime in changing a plan.

So what would I do in 2016 if I could do anything I wanted?

I would lose 40 lbs.
I would run a half marathon-- with a friend or two.
I would dance at a wedding --  without embarrassing myself
I would knit a baby blanket -- and wrap it around a new grandbaby
I would weed out and organize my recipes -- and be more purposeful about cooking and eating
I would hire a digital maid to organize 35 years worth of photographs
I would memorize my Discover card number
I would clean up my craft/sewing room -- and keep it clean
I would have several skin spots checked/removed
I would plan and install a garden in the backyard of the house next door

Unquenchable optimism.  Or totally unrealistic expectations?

1 comment:

Musal said...

Not a bad. All of those sounds very exciting.