Monday, December 11, 2006

Up.Date. Up. Date. Up. Date. This Just In...

I don't care what Timmy thinks about titles. I like them. Lets just start with the next ten:

82. Chipmunk Christmas Albums
83. A furnace that works
84. A furnace that does not catch fire and burn your house down
85. Warm slippers
86. Space heaters
87. Space
88. Recipe cards
89. Hair
90. Siblings
91. Knowing where my tylenol is
92. Not needing tylenol

Wait-That's eleven. One for good measure.
What do you know about sticky keys? Evidently, if I press the shift key 5 times, I can activate sticky keys. I don't know enough about sticky keys to know if I want them activated. Sticky sounds bad. Like if I left a can of Pepsi in my car and it froze overnight and exploded and then melted down over the cup holder and everything underneath it. Sticky. Bad.
Evidently my keys are not sticky now and I function fairly well that way. Unless you can convince me otherwise I will keep my keys unsticky.
Wait, I have a new thought: Grilled Stickies (ala mode). Sticky. Good. Now I am really undecided.
Why don't you just try it? Press your shift key 5 times and see what happens. Let me know how it turns out for you.

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