Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Profoundly Grateful

As has been my blogging tradition, I will attempt in the month of November to list at least 100 things that I am thankful FOR. Let me just clarify that I am profoundly grateful TO God, from Whom all good things come.

1. Alarm clocks
2. Baby noises
3. A furnace that does not need 'tending'
4. Clean clothes
5. My husband
6. Toothbrushes
7. Window glass
8. My barking dog
9. Crisp apples
10. Ezekiel

Additionally, I should clarify that these are in no particular order, so it means nothing that my husband is just below laundry.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

can i just say im glad these are in no particular order? cuz in that case im under the dog... but i guess thats to be expected since she took my place :)