Thursday, March 01, 2012

Ms Brenda Paints an Appliance

I have a refrigerator.  It moved across the country with me in the truck.  It keeps my food cold.  And my popsicles frozen.  It has been doing all of that since the last century.   

It suffered a few scratches on the cross country trip,which I cleverly covered with large magneted items stuck to the front of it.  I wanted a new refrigerator.  Like on HGTV.  I priced new refrigerators.  But since the last book I read was about starving people in Mexico, and  the one I am currently reading is about loving poor people, (Not to mention the next one is entitiled "Living Simpler") and because I priced new refrigerators, I decided to paint my refrigerator.
And before I could paint it I had to clean the outside of it.  (I wasn't painting the inside, so there was absolutely no reason to get carried away and clean inside or even under the refrigerator.  In light of my Lenten committment, I felt a little guilty cleaning off the top.)  And it looked a lot better just being clean. 
But I had already bought a quart of Chalkboard Paint.  So I pressed on.  As in, I pressed on the blue tape.
And once the STP roughed up the finish inside the tape lines, I was pretty much committed. 
And after one coat, I thought maybe I should be committed.  Or maybe I would be getting a new refrigerator after all.
But really,  it did not turn out too bad.  I can't write on it until tomorrow.  So you will just have to imagine it covered in totally cute chalk drawings.  Recipes.  Stick figures.  Go on use that imagination. 
I'm pretty pleased with it.  Too bad it has to sit next to my stove. 

Which was bought off of Craig's List,  moved in the truck, damaged and repaired with coated wire.  But since it still cooks and bakes as much as I desire to and as well as I aspire to, I am going to keep it at least until April.  When hopefully God will lead me to read something a little less convicting.