Saturday, February 23, 2013

Do Over

Let's do a few peeks at progress on the bathroom do over.  

Once upon a time I bought a mirror at a yard sale on my way to Mahaffey camp.  I think the Goob was in his car seat at the time.  I painted the mirror a creamy color, distressed it a little, and hung it above the piano that no one ever really learned to play.
When we moved I sold the piano, but kept the mirror.  I plan to use it in the bathroom makeover.

Me to the STP:  Do we have any Plaster of Paris?
STP:  You're not wearing any pants.
Me:  That's why I need you to go to the garage and see if we have any Plaster of Paris.
STP:  What are you going to do with Plaster of Paris?

This exchange was followed by a discussion about how I was going to do 'this thing I saw on Pinterest' and make my own chalk paint and paint the mirror for the bathroom.  I included such details about some lady named Annie Sloan has evidently made a fortune selling chalk paint, and how it is so in, and how some pinterest people had made their own, and how I was going to try it on the mirror.  
At this point the STP wondered aloud how we would see our faces if I painted the mirror like a chalk board.  And would we just draw our faces on the mirror.  And would he have to draw a beard on his face and then erase it off after he shaved.
At this point, I mentioned that if he was really listening he would know I was using chalk paint, not chalkboard paint, and that I was painting the mirror frame, not the mirror itself.
At this point the STP admitted he had a hard time concentrating on what I was saying when I wasn't wearing any pants and he went to get the plaster of Paris for me.  Which is as close as I am getting to Paris, France again this year.  Because we are re-doing the bathroom.
The mirror, prepped for painting.
My homemade chalk paint.  Part white charm semi-gloss paint.  Part hurricane satin paint.  Part plaster of paris.  Mixed in a cool whip tub.
Applied to the mirror frame.  One coat coverage. It is wet here, but it dried quite dull. 
And then I sanded it a little to distress it again. And then I applied a coat of wax (left over from the pretty big jenga project) and buffed it.
I didn't have to buy anything for this project, and I finished it in one evening and (in case you're still wondering) without being completely dressed.
And now it is just waiting for a bathroom wall to hang on.
Look for it in the BIG REVEAL post. 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Ooh I like it :) how much longer til the big reveal?