Monday, February 04, 2013

Replace Battery/Card Full

Mountains with ice falls.  The STP and I decided we will never ice climb.  Even though we live close to some of the best ice climbing spots in the world.
Searching for sheep.  See wild horses, hawks, bald eagle, geese, ducks, white tail deer, mule deer.  Manage a few pictures of mule deer.  (Because there are a million of them, and they do not fly.)
Finally see sheep.  As in 8 sheep butts.  One of these is a ram. Really.
Half an hour before sunset, we find sheep.  50 sheep. 
50 blurry sheep.  Hurry before they turn and show their butts.  Replace battery?  Really?
These are not black and white photos.  There is just not much color in this neighborhood at this time of day.
Two ewes checking out the STP. 
And a herd of elk to finish off the day.  
"Oh, you want color?" replies God Himself.
Miraculously, the battery revives for this final shot of the sunset sky.  

Sheep watching with friends and a thermos of hot chocolate?  I'll take that over nachos and having to see the Ravens one more time.


Brenda's Man said...

and sharing that time with you - priceless!

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