Monday, June 03, 2013

The SLD and Why I Love Her

 We invited the Goob to go with the STP and me on our trip to the mountain, but he has no enthusiasm to go anywhere with us.  Especially if it involves the outdoors.  Or moving.
 On the other hand, we had the dog at the word "Go".
She loves the outdoors.  Especially if it involves running.  Through snow or mud.  Or both.
She loves smelling things.  Like imaginary underground rodents.  
And she loves protecting us from things (like moose and crows) with her vicious bark.
When she is outside, she has the attention span of a hyper little dog. (Squirrel.)  She listens to the STP, and is deaf to the sound of my voice.  When she gets in the car, she prances her muddy feet across my seat.  Occasionally she does that stealthy dog kiss thing that I hate.  I hope she lives long enough to move out of my house with the Goob.

But the thing I love about her is her ability to be in the right place, at the right time, looking in the right direction when the shutter snaps. 

Good dog.


Amanda said...

laughed out loud about the sneaky dog kisses, and was glad none of my coworkers asked what was so funny. some things are harder to explain than others.

Abi said...

your grandkids would like to request audience with your SLD. They have watched the clip of her running through the snow about 34 times so far. :) Miss you all.