Thursday, September 14, 2006

Uncle Michael Weighs In

Tip:n. getting two clock radios from one of your paper customers.

Complaint: n. getting a clock radio from two different paper customers.

Thanks to Uncle Michael for today's Words of the Day.

Some things about Uncle Michael:
His name is not Mike.
Stasi mistakenly told her Slovak teacher that he works in a factory that makes bottles and cans.
He reads peoples blogs but has not been known to (officially) comment on them.
I have his red bicycle in my garage.
His daughter has red hair.

Okay--so that makes me wonder--Why isn't there a word for nieces and nephews collectively.
i.e. sons + daughters=children

Would nieces + nephews be niecews or maybe nepheces as in Three of my nepheces have red hair.

Really I'm thinking that this calls for a new word altogether. Something akin to nauffy.
Any suggestions?

This may be turning into a dictionary blog. I'm not a sure a knitting blog might not have been a good idea.


Miss Brenda said...

Are you suggesting consanguins? as in Three of my consanguins have red hair?

Anastasia said...

if this turns into a dictionary blog, can it explore some of the gramatical anomalies that happen in Balex?
Such as "sit next by me"
and somewhere someone needs to define nauffy/noffy and standardize the spelling

also, i think UncleMichael is right it is more vague and consequently i think more than three of your consanguines have red hair....