Thursday, November 16, 2006

Oh, And Ten More Things...

1. Pretzel chips
2. Music
3. My iPod nano
4. I don't need a PS3
5. Part-time
6. Payday
7. My clothes dryer
8. Mitochondria
9. 1LUKE37
10. Adverbs (really)


Amanda said...

1LUKE37? curious...

Amanda said...

1LUKE37? curious...

Anastasia said...

or in Slovak, Naozaj?
and i'm mas curious as Ami.

Miss Brenda said...

Saw this on a license plate on my way to work yesterday. Took me all the way to North Park to figure it out. Luke 1:37. Had to look it up because I was thinking Luke 1--Christmas Story. (Don't worry. I was stopped at the red light when I looked it up.) Go ahead..look it up. Then I changed lanes in North Park on my way home from work and ended up behind the same car on my way home. How unlikely is that? But impossible??? I think not. Then I saw the movie The Nativity Story last night. (I decided to go at the last minute) And these same words are in the movie and I know the reference.
And now you know.