Monday, November 13, 2006

Oodles of Noodles

From generation to generation...

Some things you should learn as a child. Things like eating raw noodle dough will stick your guts together. (Or give you worms, depending on which Aunt you listen to!) And that your aunts are really your mom's sisters and they were once kids together. And that making things is really more about the process than the end product.

Some things don't change.

Traditions handed down from generation to generation. Things that we do because our parents did them and our grandparents did them. Like piles of flour and eggs mixed and stretched and dried and cut and dried some more--until they are noodles spread all over the house on faded flowered tableclothes. And that you share things with your cousins that you don't share with just everyone. Like your bed. And your sense of humor.

And each generation adds its mark, uniquely its own. Like a noodle hat.

1 comment:

Abi said...

i am in love with the noodle hat... where did they find it? Looks like fun, sorry i missed it.