Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Butler Eagle Covers Everything

Mars, PA--Temperatures soared here this afternoon, making working outside nearly unbearable. The intense heat caused local newspaper carriers to shed first their shirts and eventually their pants. When asked if he was concerned patrons would not want their papers delivered by a nake'd (rhymes with snaked) boy, one carrier replied that he thought the loss of such customers would be offset by those who had never subscribed before because the paper had never offered nake'd delivery.
In other news, the pool is not set to open for another 6 weeks.
By then Alex will have grown so tall that all his jeans will be shorts and he will be set for summer.
Alex's sisters are busy calling and texting each other to celebrate that they grew up before their mother had a digital camera and a blog.
And this just in--Those families whose clocks automatically adjusted ahead for daily savings time on the first Sunday in April are still looking for that missing hour.


nancyann said...

Thank you...You have solved the problem of who set the VCR clock an hour ahead. Nobody knows how to do that but this week we noticed that the time was an hour off.

Miss Brenda said...

Don't mention it!