Recent activity of the Big Horn County Sheriff's Office:
Oct 6--Ten black cows were reportedly
roaming on Greybull River Road. A deputy
responded but the cows had already gone home.
So those things you were planning on doing until the cows came home? You can stop now.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's All About Mii
So we got a Wii. You know to celebrate the end of the first nine weeks. So far all we have is the WiiSports. So Alex made me a Mii. Which is a little figure who kinda looks like me. And together we played baseball, and bowling, and golf, and tennis.
My Mii is just as coordinated as I am, so it is challenging to play these sports. We had to play two games of baseball and bowling, because I won the first games and evidently you can't go to bed if you've been beaten by your mother. Here is my Mii:
Then Alex convinced me to try boxing. (Only one can play this at a time because we only have one little dohickey to attach to the thingy controller. I am going to add a dohickey to my Christmas list so we can box each other.)
I should tell you that I do not think boxing should be legal, let alone a sport, and certainly not a sport children should have any exposure to and, if it were a sport, civilized women approaching 50 should definately not have even the slightest interest in it. That said, I found myself leaping about the Big Room, flailing both hands in the direction of the TV, while my Mii beat up a Mii named James. And a Mii named Steve, and several other Miis whose names I didn't bother to remember. And today after lunch I thought briefly that I could probably figure out how to turn on the Wii all by myself
and just KO a few Miis.
Oh yeah, here's Mii and my bad self. (If I could attach music here, I would have Chicken Little sing "Wii Are The Champions".)
And today my arms are sore. Probably from painting.
Then Alex convinced me to try boxing. (Only one can play this at a time because we only have one little dohickey to attach to the thingy controller. I am going to add a dohickey to my Christmas list so we can box each other.)
I should tell you that I do not think boxing should be legal, let alone a sport, and certainly not a sport children should have any exposure to and, if it were a sport, civilized women approaching 50 should definately not have even the slightest interest in it. That said, I found myself leaping about the Big Room, flailing both hands in the direction of the TV, while my Mii beat up a Mii named James. And a Mii named Steve, and several other Miis whose names I didn't bother to remember. And today after lunch I thought briefly that I could probably figure out how to turn on the Wii all by myself
Oh yeah, here's Mii and my bad self. (If I could attach music here, I would have Chicken Little sing "Wii Are The Champions".)
And today my arms are sore. Probably from painting.
Slowest Fence in the West
Also FYI Dave mowed the grass on Saturday. If you don't get real close it looks like a yard. Well, half a yard.
Also, FYI, the color behind the fence in the picture is 'pumpkin butter' and three walls of the Big Room are now that color. The final wall will be 'fall leaf'. Hopefully while it is still Fall.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Let's Make a Deal
When we got to the mudpots, I decided to call in my favor and made him get out of the car. Here is the video from the mudpots. Listen carefully and you can hear the Princess comment on his wonderful attitude.
(The Princess swears she has told me how to work with my video, but evidently I am hopeless. Just touch your right ear to your right shoulder and press the play button...)
He did perk after I reminded him of our little deal. That is him playing in the geyser steam.
And here he is propped up along the road with the rest of us--in the quintessential Yellowstone family picture. Are we making memories, or what?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?
When you don't blog I miss you and think terrible things about you. When I don't blog, I miss myself.

While I was gone Stasi and Micah came to visit, the fence began to stand upright (in the yard instead of the garage), I did a little match making, and I went to Yellowstone for the last time this season, saw Old Faithful erupt and ate at the Snow Lodge and at McDonalds and at the Chinese restaurant in Dodge City.
I took pictures of most of
those things with the best intentions of sharing them with you. But a week has passed and instead I have pictures of the bacterial mat around the geyser basins in Yellowstone. I know, everyone else has pictures and video of Old Faithful and I have shots of the ground around the edge. It could be worse. At least I am not sharing video of microbes.
I picked colors for the big room. Pumpkin Butter and Fall Leaf. Now I am deciding what to hang on the wall. My first thought was that I should hang mounted animal heads. But since I didn't have any, then I thought maybe I should hang pictures of animal heads on the wall. In sepia tones, so that it has that authentic western look. Or maybe western landscapes. Or shots of Dodge City. But then I hit on this great idea to enlarge and frame the pictures of the bacterial mats from Yellowstone.
Authentic Western Art. I'm pretty much a genius.
I tried to move these things around and I only succeeded in underlining a random bit of the text. Forget what I said about being a genius.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Wyoming Word of the Day
[ven-uh-suhn, -zuhn]
the flesh of a deer or similar animal as used for food.
[ven-uh-suhn, -zuhn]
the flesh of a deer or similar animal as used for food.
The Game Warden says that venison is the meat of any antlered animal. So in my freezer I have 'venison' frozen in camo freezer bags. I am unsure what similar animal it originated from. Maybe it is better that way. I also have some meat that is clearly labelled 'antelope'. So if you have any good antelope recipes let me know. 
Cooking has not been one of my strengths, but now that I will be cooking 'game' meat it should be a lot more fun anyway. And the adventure continues..
Saturday, October 11, 2008
This Is Not Normal
I was wondering when I could stop watering the grass. Now I know. I had been lamenting that I didn't have any fall decorations on the porch. Not to worry. I'll just move on to Christmas. (I think the sled was on the truck...)
This is a really great place because you can take your picture for your Christmas card the first of October and beat the holiday rush. If only I had had the forethought to have the Christmas decorations out on the porch.
And to all a goodnight.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Bailing Out
Now that I am a bank employee, I feel it is my duty to comment on the rescue plan, formerly known as the bail out.
Previously, all I knew about bank crises I learned from the movies. Mary Poppins and It's a Wonderful Life to be exact. In one I learned that tupence can cause a run on the bank and people will lose their jobs if that happens and if you want to feed your money to the birds you might as well. Then go fly a kite.
In the other I learned that your money isn't really in the bank. It's in Joe's house. And banking is complicated by fat men who want to own the whole town and who have only their interests at heart. And if at the end of the day you still have two dollars you should kiss them and put them back in the vault.
This week at work the president of Dodge City Federal issued a question and answer sheet to help us answer people's concerns about the stability and safety of their money in our bank.
Q. How safe is our bank?
A. Very safe
Q. How do I know you're not just saying that?
A. Good question.
(Actually the answer to question #2 involved something about foreclosures but since neither the Bank's nor the Bailey's ever had any foreclosures on their houses I don't have a frame of reference for this kind thing.)
Just so you know there were also three more pages of questions and answers. So there you have it. We will be effected of course by the bail out, er, rescue as it results in more regulations. We will probably have to charge more fees. I think that's how it will work. Yeah, that's it. I think I'm ready to have a financial blog as well. Unfortunately, I will be on retreat this week with PD. Fulfilling my role as pastor's wife. So the financial world will have to blunder on without me this week. As will you, since I expect I will be too far from civilization to update. But I'll be thinking about you.
I will be near Butte, Montana. I have no idea where that really is. All cities in Montana start with 'Bs'. Billings, Bozeman, Butte. Like Ohio with 'Cs'. Cinncinnati, Cleveland, Columbus. And PA. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Does that confuse anyone besides me? I wrote that really small so stalkers can't find me. Notice I used a lot of code names as well. Pretty tricky, huh?
Previously, all I knew about bank crises I learned from the movies. Mary Poppins and It's a Wonderful Life to be exact. In one I learned that tupence can cause a run on the bank and people will lose their jobs if that happens and if you want to feed your money to the birds you might as well. Then go fly a kite.
In the other I learned that your money isn't really in the bank. It's in Joe's house. And banking is complicated by fat men who want to own the whole town and who have only their interests at heart. And if at the end of the day you still have two dollars you should kiss them and put them back in the vault.
This week at work the president of Dodge City Federal issued a question and answer sheet to help us answer people's concerns about the stability and safety of their money in our bank.
Q. How safe is our bank?
A. Very safe
Q. How do I know you're not just saying that?
A. Good question.
(Actually the answer to question #2 involved something about foreclosures but since neither the Bank's nor the Bailey's ever had any foreclosures on their houses I don't have a frame of reference for this kind thing.)
Just so you know there were also three more pages of questions and answers. So there you have it. We will be effected of course by the bail out, er, rescue as it results in more regulations. We will probably have to charge more fees. I think that's how it will work. Yeah, that's it. I think I'm ready to have a financial blog as well. Unfortunately, I will be on retreat this week with PD. Fulfilling my role as pastor's wife. So the financial world will have to blunder on without me this week. As will you, since I expect I will be too far from civilization to update. But I'll be thinking about you.
I will be near Butte, Montana. I have no idea where that really is. All cities in Montana start with 'Bs'. Billings, Bozeman, Butte. Like Ohio with 'Cs'. Cinncinnati, Cleveland, Columbus. And PA. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Does that confuse anyone besides me? I wrote that really small so stalkers can't find me. Notice I used a lot of code names as well. Pretty tricky, huh?
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Toe Jam Wham
For Jesse--
The Measure of A Man (4-Him Lyrics)
This world can analyze and size you up
And throw you on the scales
They can IQ you and run you through
Their rigorous details
They can do their best to rate you
And they'll place you on their charts
And then back it up with scientific smarts
But there's more to what you're worth
Than what their human eyes can see
Well you can doubt your worth
And search for who you are and where you stand
But God made you in His image
When He formed you with His hands
And He looks at you with mercy
And He sees you through His love
You're His child and that will always be enough
For there's more to what you're worth
Than you could ever comprehend
Oh I say the measure of a man
Is not how tall you stand
How wealthy or intelligent you are
Cause I found out the measure of a man
God knows and understands
For He looks inside to the bottom of your heart
And what's in the heart defines
the measure of a man.
Choreograph that.
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