Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's All About Mii

So we got a Wii. You know to celebrate the end of the first nine weeks. So far all we have is the WiiSports. So Alex made me a Mii. Which is a little figure who kinda looks like me. And together we played baseball, and bowling, and golf, and tennis. My Mii is just as coordinated as I am, so it is challenging to play these sports. We had to play two games of baseball and bowling, because I won the first games and evidently you can't go to bed if you've been beaten by your mother. Here is my Mii:
Then Alex convinced me to try boxing. (Only one can play this at a time because we only have one little dohickey to attach to the thingy controller. I am going to add a dohickey to my Christmas list so we can box each other.)

I should tell you that I do not think boxing should be legal, let alone a sport, and certainly not a sport children should have any exposure to and, if it were a sport, civilized women approaching 50 should definately not have even the slightest interest in it. That said, I found myself leaping about the Big Room, flailing both hands in the direction of the TV, while my Mii beat up a Mii named James. And a Mii named Steve, and several other Miis whose names I didn't bother to remember. And today after lunch I thought briefly that I could probably figure out how to turn on the Wii all by myself and just KO a few Miis.
Oh yeah, here's Mii and my bad self. (If I could attach music here, I would have Chicken Little sing "Wii Are The Champions".)

And today my arms are sore. Probably from painting.