Monday, September 19, 2011

Guest Dogger

The SLD's first blog

I thoroughly dislike when they pack the cooler.  Because when they pack the cooler I end up spending the day in my K-place.  They think I do not know the K-place is the kennel.  Like I can't spell?
But this morning they said the G-word.  Can you believe it?  I got to GO.
We were headed to the lake.  In the truck.  With the boat. 
They call this place Sunshine.  Aptly named.
I did not like the sound of the engine. 
But I got used to it pretty quickly. 
It was my job to help the pack leader watch the lines.
And help him pull in the big ones.
But mostly it was my job to stay close to my boy and keep an eye on him.
Because when he drove the boat it looked like this:
And the pack leader had to hold onto his hat.
Finally, I just had to take the wheel myself. Squirrel!
 Ah, a great day in the sunshine at Sunshine.
I think it wore my boy out.
I took a little nap myself on the way home.  I love that cooler.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i love that Silly Little Dog. do you think Sunshine will still be sunshiney in November?