Sunday, September 18, 2011

HELP! I Need Somebody

Been awhile since I gave you a book report.  I got a little off course this summer in that, while I read, I did not do a good job of keeping track.  Here's to getting back on track. 
This past week I read The Help by Kathryn Stockert.  I read it on Tuesday.  I started out reading a chapter as a reward for completing something on my list of things to do on my day off.  Some things on the list (like wiping off the kitchen counter) deserved two chapters.  I added 'take a bubble bath' to my list because I could read and cross something off my list at the same time.  I rewarded myself with two chapters after I dried off for being so smart.  By lunchtime I was just settled in on the couch reading.
I usually find a quotable to share with you from each book.  The problem with The Help is that there is a quotable about every other page.  The second problem is that I was reading a borrowed copy and I could neither dogear nor underline them as I read.  (And I could not stop reading long enough to jot them down as I went.)  Here is just one I share in honor of all lazy sisters I have known, raised, and been.

Even though she has zero kids and nothing to do all day, she is the laziest woman I've ever seen.  Including my sister Doreena who never lifted a royal finger growing up because she had the heart defect that we later found out was a fly on the x-ray machine.

After reading The Help I decided I might never write anything again, because it would be so anemic in comparison.
 I decided you should all read the book, because it has the best definition of 'ugly' I have ever encountered.  As used in the sentence, "Being tired is no excuse for being ugly."   Or, "I don't mean to be ugly, but..."  And I couldn't find it when I went back to look for it.  So you should be sure to jot it down for me.
And I decided I really need a maid, so I would not have to spend the rest of the week trying to catch up on things I didn't get done on my day off. 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

in the middle of a borrowed copy of this book right now. and loving it :) i'll try and find those quotes for you.