Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Heart of the Mallow

You should just know that the marshmallows we took up on the mountain came with several warnings.  I think it might be because they were jumbo marshmallows.  Jumbo marshmallows are so big you should not use them to play chubby bunny. 
Let me put them in perspective for you.  On the left--a jumbo marshmallow.  One the right--a mini marshmallow.   The jumbo marshmalllows are so big they come with the above choking hazard warning.  Indeed you should not put one in your mouth and try to talk or laugh.  The jumbo marshmallows are so big you can hollow them out and drink your hot chocolate out of them. 
The jumbo marshmallows are so big you only need only need 2 of them to make a batch of rice krispie treats. 
The jumbo marshmallows are so big you can roast them, eat off the  browned to perfection melted outside layer, roast them again, eat off the next layer, and repeat three more times
Jumbo marshmallows are so big, when you catch them on fire on the end of your marshmallow stick you can use it as as a torch to light your way from the campfire to the bathroom.
Jumbo marshmallows are so big that when you step in one (that someone abandoned on the ground after catching it on fire) you are stuck there until the sun comes up. 
Once you get used to seeing jumbo marshmallows, regular sized marshmallows look like mini marshmallows. 

 Regular sized marshmallows are like marshmallow hearts.  Soon you can expect to see them marketed as such.  And the price will likely increase.  
Don't say I didn't warn you.

Note:  I have a future post about roasting a chicken, but I got nothing on roasting children.


Loree said...

I just found your blog today and love it! You are so funny!

Loree said...

How do I follow you?