Friday, January 18, 2013

Number 22

Ah, the baby afghan.

When I worked at the slightly bigger than itty bitty health care facility, I had a lot of down time that I filled with mindless knitting projects.  Baby afghans were the perfect thing.  Not too big. Not a lot of counting.  Easy to get rid of.  Then two things happened.  #1.  I started this baby afghan with a pattern that I hated.  #2.  I got a new job that did not involve long hours of down time.  Thus this half finished baby afghan languished in a blue bag for nearly two years.
Until I rediscovered it, added it to the non-resolution list, and FINISHED IT!  Sadly, I did not have a baby available to try it on, so I had to settle for trying it on a chair.
I still am not in love with this afghan.  But I am loving having it DONE. And loving crossing the first thing off the 2013 non resolution list.  (I have added number 48 to the list:  Enter something in the county fair, so this might be the proverbial two bird afghan.)


Abi said...

I think it's lovely, do you not like how it looks or the amount of counting and thought that you had to do to create it?

Unknown said...

Oh you're so talented! I loved the before and after of the sewing corner! :) (I stumbled on your blog while randomly pressing next blog on blogger)