Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wildlife Report

 We went for a hike.  On our way in we met a man who had just seen a moose ahead of us on the trail.  We kept our eyes open, but we couldn't keep our mouths shut as we forged ahead.
 We did not see a moose.  
On the way out we talked to people who had seen a bear crossing the river just ahead of us.
We did not see a bear.
We were obviously not sneaking up on any large wildlife. We were okay with that.
We did see a water ouzel and I got this picture which I am happy to share with you. 
Because its not everyday you see a water ouzel.


Amanda said...

what a fantastic picture of a water ouzel! you've really upped your game since the Disney days of lizards in a pile of rocks :)

Minnie said...

a little disappointed to see that a water ouzel is a bird. I was expecting some exotic creature!