Wednesday, September 12, 2007

SPT Tech and the Fantasy Laboratory

Today I was the SPT tech. This is pronounced 'spit' tech. (Although I originally thought it was spin tech.) It is an acronym for Specimen Processing Tech--the person who receives and centrifuges the tubes of blood and delivers them to the various departments for analysis. It's a nasty job, but someone has to do it. So today they picked out a somebody and I was that hero. I adopted Mary Poppins' spoon full of sugar philosophy--you know--find the fun and Snap! the job's a game. So if SPT tech is a game, then I decided there could be a SPT tech rating--like a QB rating in the NFL. Since the game is only in my head, then I create the rating. So on the basis of dropped tubes, intercepted tubes delivered to wrong departments, overdue test results, angry phone calls fielded, and general good attitude I ranked myself pretty highly today. In fact, if there was such a thing as a fantasy lab league, I think I would go in the first round of the draft. Behind Dorothy the Fabulous, who does the spt tech job every day. And behind Tiki Barber, who would evidently be taken in the first round of any fantasy league.
Tomorrow I am on the 'green' bench in micro, which gives another whole meaning to 'spit' tech.


Anastasia said...

how does Dorothy feel about "the Fabulous"? becasue it turned out that Nick was nonplussed about "the Amazing"
I cant come up with a good acronym for LAB.

Amanda said...

i would draft you before tiki barber. you make me smile :)