Monday, March 10, 2008

On Top of Great Smokies

I have been playing with my pics in Shutterfly this am. I printed them to Target because I can not wait for the mail. I always thought you would need a really expensive camera and several lifetimes to capture those kind of shots you see on calendars. It turns out that God's creation is so amazing on any given day you can just show up with a little point and shoot digital thingy that you don't really know how to work except on one setting and you can get great pictures. Totally unedited. The thing that has me awed this morning (er, is it after noon already??) is that the pictures only capture a small part of the size and the colors and the grand scope of the whole place.
Maybe I'll pick up groceries on my way to Target...

1 comment:

nancyann said...

Samantha and I can now see why they call it the Great Smoky Mountains.