Friday, February 29, 2008

Unidentified Laboratory Objects

Last night at work I was attempting to identify urinary crystals. They were not typical of any crystals I knew and I couldn't find any textbook pictures that were helpful. So I left them for the experts this am to identify. The 'experts' reported them out as "unidentified crystals". I should have trusted my first instincts.
What if all our lab results went out that way...
Indeterminate amount of blood glucose.
Probable Type O blood.
Pregnancy test presumed negative.
Approximately 235,00 platelets.
>100,000 org/ml maybe E.coli possibly susceptible to some antibiotics
This is not the world I usually work in.


Anastasia said...

I love you

Anastasia said...

Also, I think an entry about the xpantivirus is in order:)

jenetic said...

Eureka! I saw crystals with the same morphology in a 70 y.o. man with kidney failure. Do you know anything more about your crystals??

Miss Brenda said...

The attached article from the New England Journal of Medicine seemed to support the physician's suspicion that these were calcium oxalate crystals (perhaps a monohydrate form) following the ingestion of ethylene glycol (antifreeze).