Sunday, February 24, 2008

Moon over Mars

I thought the lunar eclipse the other night was spectacular. Here I was on earth (in Mars) watching my shadow creep across the moon. I took this picture out the living room window. (I think the little white dot in the lower left is Saturn.) What an awesome view of the universe. If Saturn looks like a dot, how insignificant must I be? Like a milli-pixel. And yet...

I am being loved
I am being loved
Right now at this very moment

There is a song being sung over me
By the One Who breathes life into me.

(See Zephaniah 3:17--an awesome 'with' verse)

I have been reading about wonder. And how there is no place for it at work. And how much I need it in my life. And how it is hard to convey it to someone else. (So if you can't really grasp the wonder of this, don't worry about it.)

The God who created the universe also created me. And the Same One Who keeps the planets in place cares where I am. And He loves me. Wow.

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