Saturday, February 09, 2008

100% Off The Cover Price

We got two issues of Sports Illustrated this week in the mail. Last week's issue, which typically would arrive midweek, arrived in our mailbox this Monday(the day after the Super Bowl). It looked like it had already been read. The Big Question on the cover was "Can the Giants Get to Brady?" Oh, oh!! I know this one. Something a little anticlimatic about getting the pre-Super Bowl issue the day after the game. So I'm wondering where the magazine spent the weekend. Maybe someone was leafing through it at the Post Office. Maybe a postal worker 'borrowed' it for their Super Bowl party. That's a pretty good deal. Only I think if I pay for the subscription, I should get to read it first. So here's a little secret: when the much anticipated swimsuit edition comes out this month, they will have to find someone else's copy to ogle, because I opted not to have that issue delivered at all. Like the pre-Super Bowl issue, I already know what will be in it. And I don't need that in my mailbox.
This week's SI came on Friday. Evidently, it didn't take as long to read.
Oh, and I miss Life of Reilly.

1 comment:

Abi said...

did they take riley out? sad :(