Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Decisions Made

I am not going to paint the door orange. The stain turned out so pretty that I put on the back of the door that I decided to use it on the front too. One more coat and it is ready to rehang. The incredibly handy STP hung the door last Friday. He did it just the way I wanted it. He scored big points with me for that. Because my primary love language is 'acts of service'. And he knows it. I rewarded him with a little of his primary love language. Wait...where is this post going? Let's just move on....

I also need one more coat on the table. I still wish it was coriander. Fern Green is a little too bright. But I own the Fern Green and I already have 2 coats invested on the table. After some debate I decided not to call it coriander. That would just make me wish it was coriander. I decided to forget all about coriander. (I am not doing too well with that.)

In addition to those two projects, I also completed a computer project over the weekend. (Lest you think I had an overly productive weekend: What I didn't do included dishes, laundry, and grocery shopping.) The computer gives me a crick in my neck. It has to do with my progressive lenses and my monitor placement. I have to tilt my head way back in order to see through the bottom of my lenses to read the screen. And then back down to look at the keyboard because I never really mastered typing without looking. (Typing is what they used to teach in school instead of 'keyboarding'. Keyboarding sounds way more fun than typing. I might have worked harder in keyboarding class. But if I was young enough to have had keyboarding, then I wouldn't be old enough to need progressive lenses.) If I just look at the keyboard and not at the monitor, then I end up typing a big string of letters in a dialog box that I somehow opened by mistake. So my neck is sore from working at the computer. But the project was pretty much fun to do and I got it done and that is good. I made it for someone else, but I liked it so much I decided to get one for myself.

I can't decide what to do tomorrow. It's my day off and I'd hate to spend it cleaning, doing laundry or grocery shopping.

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