Turns out I may have been mistaken.
I spent the past year getting to know my adult sisters better. A few delightful days in California, a week at the beach house in July. I thought we had bonded. Sent my baby sister a little gift that arrived on her birthday. Have all of their numbers in my cell phone. But after yesterday's edition of the Dodge City Gazette appeared on newstands and mailboxes throughout the region, I just have this to say: Sisters? What sisters?
Could they have cleverly disguised it so only those very close to me would be in on their little joke? No. How about my full name and my age just spelled right out!
On second thought, maybe I will keep my sisters. Now that I know how the game is played, I have 2, 3 and 10(!) years to exact my revenge. Years to gather inspiration and ammunition. I've only been thinking for one day and already I have this:
For the Cattauraggus Weekly:
NA: For your fiftieth an enormous surprise,
Finally your age is your bra size
(I have pictures...You know I do!)For the Huntington Beach Press:
MK: Happy birthday to you,
Happy fiftieth to you,
You look like a crab,
and you smell like one too.
For the Clearfield Chronicle:
Remember I have 10 years for this one...
Oh, be afraid little sister, be very afraid....
Sisters, sisters-
There were never such devoted sisters.....
Caring sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing...
All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain or sun.
Two different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one.
Those who've seen us
Know that NOT A THING could come between us.
Love you
for the record-I suggested using a picture from your younger days and I do remember you saying you were celebrating a birthday week this year (thus the Thurs edition paper)
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