Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ten Small Words

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I found these written on the back of a file folder. I think they are from Between the Lions which Alex used to watch on PBS before he went to preschool. Funny how ten small words can make me think of Arty Smartypants and Cliffhanger and a handful of index cards lined up on the living room floor in Spring Creek and a little girl asking "What does this say , Mommy?" I'm so thankful that we learned how to read.
This morning I read in Matthew 11 where Jesus says to the weary "Come to Me", and "let Me teach you".
Oh that I would learn.


Miss Brenda said...

Now I am commenting on my own blog entries. Sad. But aren't you just a little curious what was in the folder?

Abi said...

give us a chance.. what WAS in the folder Miss Brenda? was it cut outs of football players? how funny to think of Alex loving football... :)

nancyann said...

It must be very important for you to have move it so many times since Goober was in preschool. That makes me more curious. Why did you use it as a flash card? I anxiously await the posting.