Not only did I post an odd number of times in February, But Amanda outposted me as well. This is a little troubling to me, because my life is so much better than hers. It is hard to imagine how this could happen. (Maybe I need a new love interest.)
So I am going to back up and tell you about our new TV. After Christmas the STP bought himself a 42 inch TV for the big room. My birthday gift to him was not whining about it. There was some confusion that the TV was actually his birthday gift, but that is not true. (Do not expect that you or I will get comparable gifts for our birthdays.) But also, do not think that not whining is a small gift.
We did not need a new TV. Our current 24 inch TV worked perfectly fine. It was hooked up to the cable for the first time in it's life, and you could watch more that 2 channels, and it did not snow at every football game. (Just the very cold outside ones.) And we are not blind.
But the STP wanted a new TV. A bigger TV. An HDTV.
So in an extravagant loving gesture, I let him get one. He shopped online and talked to people and shopped in stores and talked to more people and finally went and bought one. (One of the people he talked to was me and that is why it is only 42 inches.) Here I am looking happy about the new TV.
Now the thing about an HDTV that you (and by 'you' I mean me) might not know is that an HDTV is not really an HDTV unless it is hooked to an HD signal. And all of those shows that say "Now available in HD" are not really available in HD unless your cable company subscribes to those channels in HD and you subscribe to your cable TV HD package. And by subscribe and package I mean pay extra for. Also, it requires the cable people to come and rewire the house and move the cable after you have already paid someone to wire twice. But they will waive the 'installation fee' and you will only have to pay for the HDMI cable and one other $10.00 fee which you have no idea is for. But it will not be recurring, so you do not even call to ask about it. Because, remember the gift. I am not whining. I'm just saying...
So the STP and Goober (who I sometimes refer to as Booger?!?!?!?!) are upstairs in the big room watching Star Wars episode Jabba the Hut on their big TV. Wishing they had a blu-ray player and surround sound speakers. (Which they do not.) And that is fine with me. Because I am not a whiner. I am not a whiner. I am not a whiner. I am not a whiner. I am not whining.
was the TV in the folder with the small words? or is it our punishment that you won't tell us what was in the folder for not asking immediately what was in the folder?
We also got a new 42in TV, but our old one broke(very convienently when Joe was the only one home)and I am enjoying it. Along with the new TV you need to buy an expensive wall mount kit or a nice TV stand to sit it on, which we opted for (I did not have any spare tables in my house) Does this mean you get to go table shopping?
Stay tuned for the folder post, and fortunately, or unfortunately, the TV sits fine on the old TV stand.
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