The STP attended the Dodge City School Board meeting one evening this week. It is televised live on the local community station
(I'm thinking that this might be common, but as recent subscriber to cable TV, it is a reality TV novelty to me.) So, while sitting on the couch with Goober, remote in hand, watching "The Biggest Loser"
(at least I wasn't eating at the same time), I switched over to local channel to see if we could see the STP. As a quiet observer he wasn't getting any camera time, so the Goob said "Let's call his cell phone." Which was such a great idea, but I refrained only because I am trying to set a good example for my son. If I had been with Sara or Ami I totally would have done it.
(If I was watching with Min, she would have called before I knew what she was doing and we would have laughed so hard we wouldn't have been able to talk.) But I digress--we didn't actually call and he had his phone on vibrate anyway.
One of the issues at the school board meeting came up when a mom raised the question about changes in the parent/student handbook. The superintendent responded in such a way that it was obvious she knew where this was going. It seems some 5th grade girls received in school suspensions for wearing pajama pants to school. There was no rule against this in the printed handbook, but
online a 13th rule had been added concerning not wearing pajama pants, tops, or slippers to school. A meeting on the issue with the principal and the superintendent did not satisfy this mom, so she came to the board meeting to revisit the issue. This made the superintendent unhappy
(I think she might originally be from Ohio or West Virginia). I, a call-the-school-mom from days gone by, was cheering on the mom. If I had known about this beforehand, I might have attended the school board meeting in my pajamas just to demonstrate my support. No one could say when, why, or by whom the 13th rule was added.
Hats are also against the school dress code. But in the Fall, if you paid $1, you could wear a hat on 'Hat Day'. Part of drug prevention week.
Seems that we are teaching that the rules are subject to not only interpretation, but also change, by those in authority. And that if you have a certain amount of money, the rules don't apply at all. Might makes right?Today is Friday. So if I pay $2 I can wear my jeans to work at Dodge City Federal. The money goes to a benevolent fund for use around Christmastime. Wearing jeans is inappropriate for counting money any other day of the week.
I miss my scrubs. Healthcare--a place where pajama pants with drawstrings are appropriate every day. Maybe I could speak at the 5th grade career day.