Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Near Death in Yellowstone

My friend the game warden lent us his copy of the book, "Death in Yellowstone" the day after we returned from our latest two day excursion there. Here is a picture of the hotsprings we did not allow our two year old granddaughter to fall into. Here is the geyser that our son in law did not peer into. Here is one of the waterfalls none of us jumped off of. Here is a picture of a buffalo that we managed not to be gored by. Here is another picture of a buffalo taken by the Yellowstone Lake that we managed not to capsize a boat in and subsequently die from hypothermia. Here is the river flowing under the Fishing Bridge that we did not drown in while fishing in hip waders. The forest fire caused by lightning was still under control while we were there, so we were not burned, overcome by noxious fumes, or hit on the head by falling snags.

Good thing we did not have the book before we left or I may not have gotten out of the car. (Although I must say that the closest I felt to death all week was while I was a buckled in the backseat when Jimmy was driving down the mountain.)
Here then is my favorite quote from the book so far (in relation to the canyon):
I couldn't help thinking what a thoroughly elegant place this was to commit suicide. Jump and your family would have ample time to forget you while you were reaching the bottom.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i love you. you make me smile. and giggle out loud. :)