Monday, January 25, 2010

Not Invited

The STP went ice fishing with the guys on Saturday. I stayed home and did laundry. The STP asked the Goob if he wanted to go. The Goob is not a big fan of the outdoors. On single digit snowy days especially. Pretty sure he knew the answer before he asked. Pretty sure that's why he didn't ask me. I bought my fishing license good for all of 2010. I'm not sure I would have gone on such a cold and snowy day though. But he could have asked...
I made him clean his own fish and cut its head off before I fried it. (And I didn't carry his laundry downstairs.) I hope he learned his lesson.
The next time he asks me if I want to go fishing with the guys, I'll just say no. That'll really learn him.
What am I--a junior high girl?
I had a swap meet at my house on Saturday morning. The idea was to bring something you just wanted to get rid of and maybe someone else could use. On Sunday an older woman offered these excuses for why she didn't come. It was snowing. It was too early. Her husband was home. Maybe no one would like her stuff. Maybe no one would like her stuff??!??!! So she thought maybe her garbage wasn't good enough. So evidently it is possible to think and function like a junior high girl until you are at least 80 years old.
Next time I go ice fishing, I'll be a grown-up and I'll invite the STP to go along.
Do you want to go ice fishing with me?
Check YES_________ or NO__________


Abi said...

I had a Jr. High girl moment just last week... good to hear you never get over it, sometimes it just makes me feel better to have self-pity parties and 'righteous anger' at others. Glad to know I am not alone.

Amanda said...

hey i made a friend at work using the classic 'check yes or no.' nice to know i'm not the only one who still believes in it...

Sarah Elizabeth said...

I'll check Yes. :)

Abi said...

anything on the swap meet?

Brenda's Man said...

Just for the record, I have a distinct memory of asking my dear one if she was going to go ice fishing and the cold weather was cited as the determining factor. I know this memory is disputed, but there it is...