Monday, June 28, 2010

The Wildest Wildflower on the Mountain

Made our first trip of the season 'up on the mountain'.  Not to see wildlife, (although we did see a moose--in the wild!) but to see wildflowers.  As you might have guessed we have had an unusually wet Spring and early Summer, so it should be a great year for wildflowers.  Here are a few I will share with you.  First, Shooting Stars.  There were meadows full of these.  (The tall green things here will be monument flowers.  Come see me in a week or two and we will find time to get up the mountain to see them in bloom.)

And Forget-me-nots.  I plant these in my garden each year, but either they don't grow, or I forget where I planted them and weed them out.  These grow wild on the mountain.  (Hence their inclusion here in the wildflower post.)
I have no idea what this next one is.  I'm not sure it is fully bloomed.  I had to lean way over to show you that the centers will be white.

This next one is the wildest wildflower I have ever seen.  There was only one.  So I'm not sure if this is it in full bloom or if it has already gone to seed. 
I also saw and took some pictures of dandelions, and some flowers that looked a lot like dandelions.  My Wildflower Sampler Pamphlet identifies dandelions as non-native noxious weeds. 
Which makes me wonder just how long one has to abide here to be considered native, or how noxious you have to be to be classified as noxious.  And what is the opposite of noxious.   Non-noxious?  Unnoxious?  Obnoxious?  And what God thinks about our need to classify His flowers as noxious or wild.  Just wondering if our idea of what is worthy and acceptable is anywhere close to His.

1 comment:

MEL said...

Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them. ~A.A. Milne

The more he looked inside the more Piglet wasn't there. ~also A.A. Milne