Thursday, September 02, 2010

Picture Day

Of the few blogmoms I follow, three of them have kindergarteners this year.  I makes me sad that I did not have a blog when my children started school.  I remember the highlights, but there are all those little moments that are forgotten.  And I don't think there is a single picture of the princess with the funeral bow on her head.  Sad.
This year my last child started high school.  In less than 4 years our school years will be over.  I have an urge to document each day.  But the truth is, it is neither as poignant nor as cute as kindergarten.  For instance, today is picture day.  The only thing I have to report is that he has braces and his face is broken out with an especially bad zit which is more like a second nose.  This does not make anyone go aaaahhhh.   It is almost to much eeeewwwww to record.  But it is picture day, so what can you do?  One of the options,besides background colors, that you can pick is retouching.  For eight dollars they will airbrush away your child's blemishes.  I did not choose this option.  We want to remember this as the year of braces and blemishes.  Look for your wallet size to arrive around Halloween.

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