Thursday, June 07, 2012

Training Wheels

The STP and I logged 21 miles so far this week on our bicycles.  First time that I can remember riding on two different days close enough that my butt was still sore from the first day.  (Answering the question, "How long does your butt stay sore when you only ride your bike once in a blue moon?"--At least 4 days.)  And so our training is way ahead of previous Tour years. 
This morning we rode into the wind.  Way harder than riding with the wind.  Just going on record here that I would prefer to ride with the wind and downhill--both ways. 
Next week I will ride short distances with my eyes closed to get ready for tunnel riding. 
And I will shop for bike bag candy.
Oh, I will be ready.


Amanda said...

you are ahead of us on your training... you go Miss Brenda! this trip cannot come soon enough!

Abi said...

We suggest a bike light... ours blinks in case we decide to have an impromptu dance party inside one of the tunnels. :)