Wednesday, July 18, 2012


In a bizarre summer anomaly, I was moved to bake something this week.  And I was so caught up in the recipe (because it involved more than three ingredients) that I forgot to take pictures for my cooking blog.  Until the Strawberry Rhubarb Coffee Cake was already in the oven.  And the kitchen looked like this:
And, clearly, I am better suited to write an I SPY book than a cookbook.
2 eggshells, a cutting board, a green bottle cap,
1 Pinterest recipe and 2 butter wraps

Measuring spoons, a knife, a pot, and a pan,
A compost canister and a watering can.


Amanda said...

i cant find the recipe... but i got all the rest :)

Abi said...

why did you need the watering can for this recipe?