Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Touring the Grounds--the East Side

from the front porch looking North
from the patio looking South--I picked those little sunflowers on my morning walk with the SLD
From the SFG looking South.  The bed to the right is a new one this year.  Still working out the watering of that one.
A new perennial at the foot of the ladder in that bed.  A Peach Melba Heuchera.  This picture actually does it justice, but it is much more magnificent in my mind.
My Japanese fern (Recall that it should grow to 6 feet in height) has reached the 6 inch mark.  It did not fair well in the heat, but it is recovering and it had a baby last week.  Not bad for it's first year on the East Side.
Basil in a pot.  Remember when I pinned this on Pinterest and said I was going to do it?  TaDa!
I also have a pot of chives, and oregano.  The lemon basil did not do well. And the orange mint shrivelled and died while I was away ziplining.  I continue to water it in hopes that it will resurrect.
This is the lilac from Stuffmart from when the Goob ran 7th grade track.  Bigger than the fence.  It's yellow blooms disappoint me each spring, but the plant is growing well.
Coneflowers against the front fence.  This area needs some work.  It has great potential.  I just haven't invested much time on it. 
My favorite picture that I took in the East yard today.  I'm using it as my screen saver.  Because I am celebrating that my camera still works after the kayak incident...


Amanda said...

your yard is so lovely!!! why dont you come and live at my house for a while and help me with my dead weedy flowerbeds?
also... a kayak incident?!?

planemech2us said...

Sooo........did you roll the kayak??