Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Lets Kind of Talk About Albert Einstein

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
Albert Einstein, (attributed)

As a family we agreed (read: I had this great idea and decided we would all participate) to do acts of kindness through the month of December.  So far we have rung the Salvation Army bell, volunteered at a fundraiser, ordered a book to donate to the elementary school library, made a snack to share and shared it, and gave some pine boughs to a stranger.  I also compiled a list of possible kind acts and a separate list of kindness quotes.  
But at the end of 4 days of deliberate kindness, I am left wondering what counts as kindness?  Does it have to be a deliberate act?  Something out of the ordinary?  Can I count holding the door open for someone if I would normally do that any way?  Does it count if I only held the door open because I needed to log a kind act before the day ended? 
If I just do something to be kind, what kind of person am I? 

And about that Albert Einstein quote. Why is it 'attributed' to him?  Did he kind of say it?

1 comment:

MEL said...

Kindness without action is indifference. To be kind, act kind.
Albert Einstein (attributed)