Monday, December 17, 2012

You're Getting Nothing For Christmas

Dear Siblings, Siblings-in-law, and Nephieces,
Blah, blah blah--just read the bold print for the quick version (which may be passed on to those who never read the blog.)
On the marker board is a remnant of a list.  One that I made last year at this time.  The last thing on the list, the thing that never got done, is:  Write 2011 letter. ( It's still on the board because I hate to give up on it.  Hopefully, you are not holding your breath waiting for it.)  In light of that, I did not make any new lists for the end of 2012.  No gift list.  No to-do list. No note to write a 2012 letter. 
But if there was a theme for 2012 it would have something to do with giving.  With doing small things with great love.  With living beyond myself.  It included a couple of books on living simpler, a mission trip to Mexico, a dusty Lent, an Advent focused on acts of kindness.
In light of that, here's what I did with your 2012 Christmas gift.  I bought a sheep with it. To welcome the Lamb of God in your honor.   Because what I want you to know at the end of the year is that I love you.  And while homemade caramels and silly mustaches (which seem as silly to me right now as they must have seemed to you last year) might communicate that love, I think it will be just as effective to just tell you this year.  Hopefully you know that. Hopefully when I saw you this summer and/or fall I told you that.  Hopefully you don't need to open a package to know that you are loved and you aren't unhappy that I gave a sheep to a family who can really use the milk and the wool.  Because they need food and clothes. (And trust me, you don't want Aunt Brenda buying you clothes.)
And while I was at it I gave them three ducks.  Because that way they get milk and eggs.
And with the money I saved on postage, I bought a bicycle.  For a girl who will ride it to school.  So she will be safer.
Because when I think of you, I remember how blessed I am to have ridden through the Big Savage Tunnel with you this year.  And how blessed we are as a family to be healthy and wealthy enough to ride our bikes for pleasure.  And I remember how lucky I am to have you in my life and how much I love you.  Merry Christmas.


Minnie said...

Love you too! And just so you know, the flamingo ornament stayed at the store(although one may find its way into my cart during a after-Christmas sale)

sibi said...

Enjoyed reading your post.
Merry Christmas.
Please see my Christmas thoughts in the link below: